mission=pathToMission\myMission.ChernarusPlus -mod=P:\FirstModPacked Modify the init.c to suit your testing needs, then launch DayZDiag_圆4.exe with the following parameters Scripting syntax documentation is located here: DayZ:Enforce_Script_Syntax Step by step pbo files but most smaller ones will only ever need a single one. pbo file and load it when launching the game.Ī mod can have several. In order to do so, we will need to pack our mod into a. In the spirit of simplicity, let us create a mod which will print a message into the log upon a certain condition.
If you wish to use Workbench and its Script Editor, follow the setup guide here: Workbench Setup Set a Drive Letter and your Path to the Project Drive.It is recommended to setup a Project Drive with extracted game data for optimal workflow: DayZ Tools (Available through steam by navigating through Library -> Tools).Step by step creation of a simple mod for DayZ.